Last night I went to grant park in Chicago determined to get into the Obama Rally-- I could not as hard as I tried get a ticket. Tens of thousands of people came from all over the city-- familiar faces and beautiful strangers.
I made it past the first check point by begging one of the guards, made it through the second check point by borrowing someone ticket, I made it through the third check point by paying off the guard with a tip and the final check point + metal detector I made it though on the kindness of fellow stranger. I could not get through the final gate without being the guest of someone with an official ticket. So I waited at the check point and asked countless people if they could get me through. A really beautiful husband and wife couple happened to have an extra guest pass and brought me in. While in line we swapped incredible stories about door-to-door campaigning in Indiana.
I have never campaigned before and never participated in politics before-- I must say that the experience was absolutely incredible. I had the door slammed on on, people angry that we would approach them about politics, and on the rare occasion an open ear or willing heart.
One of the most inspiring quotes from wives in Indiana " I am going to cancel my husbands vote"
If does not exist-- IT SHOULD. This is one of the most inspiring shows of freedom and liberty I have seen. It parts of the world or country where the man of house has the last say-- women should make their voice herd in the voting booth.
When it was announced Obama won Indiana, the crowd went crazy in Grant park-- I could not have been more proud.
All these women, all those people who lent us their ear and opened their hearts-- Indiana is a symbol of true change.
I made my way through the crowd last night until I was 20 feet from the podium where Obama spoke. He victory speech was both inspiring and sent shivers through me that "the road ahead is long". It is time to tighten our belts, time to put our nose to the grind stone and work harder than we ever had.
Today I cut up my credit card as a symbol of a new prosperous America built on hard work, innovation and collaboration.
Thank you everyone who reads our blog and I look forward to the full launch of
And the victory is not complete until the Oprah sings.
Wednesday, November 5
Yes We Can and Yes, I can
11:56 AM